We had such a great and valuable experience on 4th October 2018 at Taylor’s Internship Engagement Day (TIED) 2018. This Internship Engagement Day was one great event hosted by Taylor’s University for effective Internship matches between employers and students. We felt so honoured to be part of such a wonderful and unique event for start-ups to meet and interact with a valuable group of outstanding students from Taylor’s University who were looking for internship placement at Net Onboard.

We met with a lot of IT and Business students from Taylor’s university and managed to interact and discuss about Internship at Net Onboard with them. Attending this event was also one of our opportunity to introduce our company to the students and share about Hosting Industry and how does it feel to work at Net Onboard.

Thanks to all the visitors who stopped by our booth. It was a pleasure having the chance to meet everyone. We look forward to a bigger career fair in future, that can expose the students to more job opportunities in our company. We are always committed to share our great value to all graduate talents out there.